Redesigning Datapel's Warehouse Management System.

Datapel Australia

What we did

Enterprise UI/UX

UX Strategy

scroll down to how we did it

The Company

Datapel is an Australian based B2B warehouse management software (WMS) provider with an international clientele of enterprises.  Their solution delivers an efficient inventory and order management with features such as real-time insights of orders, inventory, advanced stock lookup, order tracking, integration of popular accounting packages and so on.


The Challenge

  • The Datapel B2B WMS UI was outdated, built on features and required a modern, user friendly redesign aligned for their young use base. 


  • The software also required a frictionless user flow, ease of use and seamless user experience.

Our Strategy

A total redesign of the WMS with a defined design system was required to create a user-friendly software. 


The design system included: 


  • Typography with easy readability


  • Modern iconography aligned to brand style


  • Consistent navigation styles


  • Reports that are convenient to generate


  • Color-coded system updates


Read more: Enterprise Software- Datapel UI/UX Redesign Process at CreativeHub


The Results

Simplified navigation, with defined style guides, matched with brand colors leveled up the product to be intuitive, producing and understanding data frictionless. Informative visual dashboard, reports generation, and personalization all contributed in creating a seamless user experience and perform daily tasks with ease and in a few clicks. 

01. Dashboard

Datapel Dashboard Redesign

02. Reports

Datapel Reports Redesign

03. Inventory Details

Datapel Inventory Details Redesign


Let's talk about your product


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