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What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is a business methodology used to attract/draw customers to your website by creating and distributing valuable content and experiences tailored to them. 


Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing

While inbound marketing focuses on drawing people to your website using valuable content and information they find useful, outbound marketing (traditional marketing) focuses on promoting your products to people through continued advertising and sales, which is considered annoying by most consumers.

The significant difference is that outbound marketing involves promoting your products to everyone in general—even those not interested in consuming your products. On the other hand, inbound marketing draws people interested in your products/services since the content is tailored to their requirements. This means that they might actually consume your products.

The Inbound Methodology

Inbound Marketing involves building and maintaining meaningful and strong relationships with your customers and empowering them at each buyer journey stage.


The inbound methodology is composed of three stages;

  • Attract - Creating quality, useful content that enables potential customers to have a better understanding.
  • Engage - After acquiring customers, it's a must to keep them engaged. This can be done using their favourite channels using engaging content. Also, you must provide solutions to your customers' problems.
  • Delight - This involves assisting your customers in finding success with their purchases.

The below graphic represents the inbound methodology as a flywheel.

Inbound Methodology in Marketing

To keep the flywheel spinning effectively, specific tools must be used at each stage mentioned above. These have been listed below.




  • Ads
  • Content Strategy
  • Video
  • Social media
  • blogging
  • Email Marketing
  • Lead Marketing
  • Lead flows
  • Marketing Automation
  • Conversational Bots
  • Smart Content
  • Attribution Reporting
  • Marketing Automation
  • Email Marketing
  • Conversations inbox


Conclusion | Why is the Inbound Methodology important?

Operating effectively and efficiently at each stage requires the use of the tools listed above. 

Attracting customers is a daunting task. You don't just want people visiting your website unless they can be converted into leads. This is why you need to create appropriate content that suits your target audience.

Read : Why knowing your audience matters


For instance, you can increase brand awareness among your target audience through blog posts or ads that you create. 

Moreover, when engaging with your customers, you could provide them personalized experiences and engage with them on the platform/channels that they prefer. This is likely to increase brand loyalty and create lasting relationships between you and your customers.


Using all these tools together will enable you to master the inbound methodology. This means that you'll be able to grow your business, encourage customers to consume more, and retain them by recommending you to others. Thus, helping create a strong relationship between you and your customers.


To grow your market with Inbound Marketing Strategy,
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